
Announcing oktopi's tutoring services


oktopi acquired the leading UK-based tutoring company Tutor House, and will be offering first-rate tutoring services at tutorhouse.co.uk. Find out more to book tutoring sessions.

July 29, 2024

Integrate oktopi with Zoom

You can authorize/unauthorize your Zoom account in your profile,

When your (teacher’s) live lesson is about to start, you can start creating a Zoom meeting.

If you have not yet integrated Zoom and completed Oauth authorization, the system will be redirected to the Zoom OAuth page:

*Don’t forget to check the option “Allow this app to use my shared access permissions.”

*Depending on your Live lesson, you may need a different zoom license to meet the course duration requirements.

How to remove the oktopi app for your Zoom account?

If you wish to remove Oktopi from your Zoom account, follow these steps:

Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.

Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the “oktopi” app.

Click on the “Remove” button at the end of the “Oktopi” app row.

You may need to fill in some reasons for the removal, then click the Remove button.